I know our second post titled "Fire", only this one was ours. Not a good start to the year. Remember the Jacob throw-up incident, I know I do. Now, remember the scene in Parenthood,
"...do you feel like you want to throw-up?"
That was me with Jacob, he comes up to the bathroom,
"My stomach hurts, I feel like I'm gonna throw up"
"Right now? Get to the toilet (door closed, not gonna make it) the sink!"
Too late, and as Jennifer stated, it was every where. After things settled down and Jacob was ok. I really emphasized if you feel like you need to throw-up, just go throw-up into the toilet, then come and tell me you threw-up, you don't have to tell me first.
We got it cleaned up, somewhat, and lit a candle to help with the smell. You know a candle, that thing that is supposed have a cute little flickering flame, a little whisp of smoke and keep that flame contained, yeah, one of those. We went downstairs for a little while to take a break. Jennifer went back up stairs a little later...
A very urgent "Matthew get up here quick!"
I thought Jacob had woken up and started to puke some more, No-ho. That candle, yes, the cute little candle was on fire! How the hell a candle catches fire I don't know, but the candle was on fire. The glass container had broken in half, the top half on the counter on fire and the bottom half with the candle on fire. Not just the little wick, the whole candle, on fire.
I grabed a wet rag left over from cleaning (the vomit, remember) and threw it on top of the candle, repositioned it and doused the flame. The bathroom was full of smoke, lots of smoke, not like Towering Inferno smoke, but some decent smoke and acrid, sweet, burnt candle smell. Now we were gonna have to really clean the bathroom. I knew were gonna need to clean it well after the throw-up, but this took it to a whole other level. Really glad Jennifer went back upstairs when she did. All that dried hairspray on the counter near the candle and it could have gotten bad real quick.
Monday and Tuesday were boring, so the candle story had to be told, and hey, the bathroom is looking pretty decent (with lots more to do).