All in all a good last day. We had a few bumps but so far we have survived. We had to pick up Layne's soccer cake at 11:00 a.m., Layne's game at 11:45 a.m. at Johns Creek Baptist, Joshua's game at 1:00 p.m. at JCUMC, Layne part at 1:00 p.m. at JCUMC, and Joshua's party at 2:00 p.m. at JCUMC. Oh - and I kept reminding myself not to forget to pick up Jacob when all the soccer excitement was over.
Got up by 8:00 a.m. Layne and Joshua and I got to sleep in a little. We are usually up no later than 6:30 a.m. during the week. Jacob lucked out. His best friend Connor had a birthday sleepover last night and his mom was so awesome to let Jacob stay until all of the soccer activities were over with today.
Layne wanted a BIG breakfast. They had cheese eggs, sausage, biscuits, apples, and waffles. (Oh, my - LOL). They both ate well and I figured they were at least going to be working hard later today.
Joshua wouldn't get in to uniform before we left the house. Starting getting particularly whiny about his daddy not being here and wanting to know when dad would get here for the game. I went on ahead and called Grandma to see if she would pick up the cake at Publix for Layne's party on their way. I figured I could use the extra time with Joshua :)
Layne started getting anxious about being late for her game. So we left without Joshua changing.
Got to the Baptist Church where Layne was having her game and made Joshua change in the car before going to watch her game. He got really clingy and wouldn't let go of my neck wanting his Daddy.
We finally got him to go to Grandma's car - crying all the way holding my hand - with the promise of a McDonald's Happy Meal before his game. Had to physically put him in his car seat. Yuck - I hate that!
Layne had the best game ever! She had an awesome goal save as Goalie. Totally landed on that ball and prevented a goal. She even got congratulations after the game from the other team's coach.
Coach Steve changed it up a bit today for their last game and had the girls rotate defense and offense. Took a lot of pictures as I hardly ever get pictures of Layne running.
Coach Steve said about Layne that "he really admired her tenacity, that at this stage the girls need to play the position that they are best at" he said that Layne was his best Goalie and that "she might not be happy about being Goalie all the time, and may put her head down and stomp a little on the way out there, but she does it and always gives it her best!". He absolutely got that right.
Layne spent a little bit last night writing a thank you card to both of her coaches. Coach Steve is not sure he will be back in the Spring to coach as his daughter Evie "wants to take a break". Layne asked him in the card to "please come up with a way to have Evie play again". It will be hard on her to have another Coach. He has been great for her!
Mom / Grandma got Joshua duty. He also had a fantastic game. All his coaches said that he played most of the game, did not have any problem getting in the game, and made some unintentional, but strategic blocks for the win :) I guess he really wanted his trophy. We all told him if he didn't play today he wouldn't get his trophy. I think I even pointed out that "even Jacob has a soccer trophy".
I am kind of glad it is over and the stress of playing / not playing with Joshua is over. We plan on him playing next Fall - but not this Spring. He is just so much younger that I really feel he needs that other year.
Here are some pictures of Layne:
Way to intimidate!!!!

Layne excited about a goal for her team:

Here is Coach Steve and his daughter Evie (the one to convince to play again):

Here is Layne with her Coach getting her Trophy (I apologize for the Auburn attire):

Layne's Team Mom - Miss Chana getting her flowers from Evie:

And the Extreme Soccer pull-apart cake from Publix:

And on to Joshua - here he is enjoying his cupcake at his party:

And getting oh-so-coveted soccer trophy - that has a spinning soccer ball that lights up!:

It was really cold and windy here. Definitely time to get out the winter clothes. I haven't been this cold in a long time. Our downstairs furnace went out at some point today - so it was really cold this evening. Good thing I have a dad who lives near by and would come over and light the pilot light. I can't stand gas - makes me so nervous - I want nothing to do with it. Guess I need to move someplace even warmer, huh?
Time for bed - we have an even busier schedule tomorrow.