Lorett,a who works with me (and I can barely do my job without her) is out probably through Thanksgiving, as her mother passed away on Tuesday. So - I was trying to keep up and figure out how to do her job also.
I had to be to school by 1:00 p.m. as for some crazy reason I had signed up to do Thursday Papers for Jacob's class.
Then I went to the grocery store after Thursday Papers, as we were out of some essential items (more about that later).
Came home, unloaded the groceries, started a load of laundry, and signed on again to check email / voicemail for work. Worked until 3:30 p.m.
Went to school to pick up Jacob for swim from 4:15 to 5:00 p.m.
Layne was picked up by her GS Leader at 4:00 p.m. for her meeting until 5:30 p.m.
Sat through Jacob's swim lesson (he is doing so awesome and he enjoys it).
Then drove to pick up Layne by 5:30 at the Greenway Park after her hike with her GS Troop.
Went with Jacob and Layne to get Joshua from mom and dad's.
Drove with all 3 kids to church as Jacob had a Boy Scout meeting (they are earning the God and Country) badge. They will meet every Thursday through January 6 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Left Jacob at church with Matthew.
Layne, Joshua and I went to eat. I needed to be back at the church at 7:00 p.m. for my UMW Board Meeting.
Conversation 1) While we were sitting at dinner at LaCazuela (I know you are surprised we went to get cheese dip) Layne very nicely asked me if there might be a store around here that might sell some stuff you use to wash clothes. Yes - we ran out of laundry detergent - and we have not been able to get clothes done for a couple days. I told her that I had picked some up earlier and had already put a load of clothes in to wash. She threw her hands up in the air and yelled "yeah we can wash our clothes!". The table behind us literally laughed out loud.
Conversation 2) When we left the restaurant to go to the church Layne noticed all of the flags that Johns Creek had put out for Veteran's Day. She asked me why they were there. I told her because today is Veteran's Day. There was a slight pause, and then she says "Oh, we have a day to honor those people who take care of our pets. That's nice." I was actually proud of myself for not laughing out loud. I talked to her about Daddy Toot and she did eventually "get it".
I think I need to spend more time with the kids, huh? I keep thinking things might slow down at some point. But I am thinking probably not. Just have to keep taking advantage of the care conversations.
Here is Layne with her Girl Scout Troop from September 2010 when we went to Camp Misty Mountain.
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