The weather was awesome and we wanted to get out and do something. So - what do we do? Go see a movie. I know, not exactly the "enjoy the weather" activity.
We saw the Princess and the Frog at 12:15. It was a long movie. And the shadows were scary and so was some of the Voodoo. Joshua had a hard time with some parts of it. And for me - it really dragged and I couldn't wait for it to be over.
We came home and everybody took turns playing outside. Joshua, Jacob, Layne and Matthew. I am told that Layne "has found her shot" at basketball. Matthew moved the goal over in the yard so they can play in the street somewhat and be able to dribble.
We woke up this morning with Layne having set the table for breakfast. She got plates out for everyone, put a small doughnut and piece of toast that she made on every one's plate. She had the butter, jelly and drinks all ready to go. She told me all I had to do was make scrambled eggs - so of course, I did. I also made some sausage. Good thing, too as Joshua had 3 of the 8 pieces all by himself. (Not sure how I am going to feed the teenage years!)
I was able to go to my UMW Circle meeting this evening. It was good to go - not feeling as connected this year as last - but I think that is just an overall feeling.
Called Matthew on my way home and things were good.
This is the "Until....." part - Got in the door and Matthew said "well I guess we are going to clean out bathroom tonight". Ewwww - Jacob had thrown up all over our bathroom, wall, rugs, doors, my Crocs, it was everywhere - and it did not smell good at all.
So - no more of Jacob being in charge of the amount of popcorn he eats is my new lesson.
Some pictures from today:
Our table set and ready courtesy of Layne
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