Well, the women stayed home this weekend, they were supposed to go camping with the Girl Scouts, but the troop decided to cancel because of the bad weather. So for the first time in a long time we were one big happy family cooped up in the house while the rain and thunderstorms rolled through. All three were a bit rambunctious, but were pretty decent for being stuck in the house all day. We went and got movies yesterday in anticipation of the weather...we'd watched Jacob's and Layne's by 10am and Joshua's by early afternoon. Yes, the tv was a blessing today. All three were very good about taking turns watching the other's show. Every half hour we cycled through any number of kids shows. It wasn't until the end of the evening when they rediscovered their halloween costumes from last year. They came downstairs just laughing and Jennifer asks me where was this idea earlier in the day. They had a really good time playing in the costumes. Joshua wore the race car driver and would just walk around going VRROOM, VROOOM, cranking that pretend steering wheel over. Jacob was the soldier and Layne the cop. Then Josh decided to take his costume off and parade around in his underwear, but still wielding some weapons, and wearing the conductor cap. He looked like a new member of the Village People. It was good to be together, hopefully we get better weather tomorrow.

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