This was Jacob's first day of Cub Scout Twilight Camp. He had an incredible time. As soon as he got in the car he was non-stop chatter. They made a walking stick tonight. It has measurements marked on it so that he can measure water up to 24", it has a bandanna on it that he says he could get wet and put over his face if he was caught in a fire, it has a first aid pouch with a fishing hook, and it has a leather handle that he can place anywhere on the stick so he has a good grip.
They also did some target shooting - which is the sheet he is holding up - but I didn't quite understand what that was about.
He goes from 4:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. through Thursday night. Wendy Gilbert's son Zackary is also doing the camp - but is in a different group because he is a year behind Jacob. So Wendy is taking the boys to camp and I am picking them up. I go there at 8:35 tonight and they dens did not come down for pick up unit after 9:00 p.m. I was so worried that Zackary would think I forgot him since I was so late getting up to the next car pool line.
He was hungry when he got home. He ate everything I sent for him tonight. So I packed a little bit more for tomorrow. He was also filthy and I made him take a bath.
Layne went with Aunt Melanie, Marisa, and Mitchell today to Knoxville. Layne and Marisa will be doing a Girl Scout Day Camp this week. Layne seems very excited and I know she will have a lot of fun.
Joshua had another exhausting day. He had a little bit of everything. Some time this morning with his brother and sister, then some time this afternoon with his cousins before they left for Knoxville, and then he got to play with Papa Jack with his Hot Wheels cars and run some errands. Then we ate cheeseburgers that Papa Jack cooked on the grill and Granma had corn, grapes, and potato chips to go with our hamburgers.
Matthew has been fighting a GI bug since Friday. Feeling very nauseous and sick to his stomach. Hopefully he had a little bit of a break today and is on the mend.
Tomorrow Joshua starts his Preschool Summer Day Camp at Johns Creek United Methodist Church from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. I know he will have fun but it is hard to help him understand what he is getting ready to do.
Busy week - but the kids should have a blast.
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