We went with Hunter to church where he sang. I felt a little bit like I was back in rural Pikeville with the Baptists. They even talked about sex and condoms - but they did not use the big word, i.e. fornication.
This was a very friendly church and they all made us feel welcome. The kids were very curious.
This was a Christian Church and similar to what I was used to growing up. They had communion every Sunday. The wine and the little bland rectangle, white, chalky "bread" was passed around. Jacob and Layne are used to taking Communion at the Methodist Church we attend - but everyone goes down front, takes a piece of real bread and dunks it in the "wine" / grape juice.
We were sitting in the 2nd row and Communion started before I was even aware of what they were doing. Matthew was first in our row, then Layne and then me. Matthew, being the gentleman and awesome father that he is - held the platter with the wine and bread for Layne to take. She tried really hard to dunk that little piece of nothing in the little plastic, individual communion cup. I was able to show her (and Matthew) that they needed to take the bread and eat, then take the wine and drink and place the cup back in the communion tray.
It was interesting to watch them in another church. I think we may try and visit some other churches around us just so they have some exposure to how others worship.
This is the kids with Uncle Hunter after the service. They really do love Uncle Hunter and he is great with them.
The night of 4th of July the kids did Sparklers with "the girls" from across the street. They seem to really have a good time with "the girls" whenever they visit.
Layne was asking me why everyone always says "oooh" and "ahhh" when watching fireworks. This is how she looked when asking me -
And then - not too long after she looked like this -
Getting ready for the beach! Yeah!
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