I guess I am just never happy these days. I don't like the summer without a schedule and doing something different everyday and I don't like the school year where there is limited flexibility. Gee - wonder where Layne gets it from? I can hear my mom laughing from 3 miles away.
So - still quite the slacker on the blog thing here. But still trying to get better.
We don't start school until August 23 but quite a few of the other counties already have and we are starting activities this week.
Tomorrow night Jacob has his first Boy Scout Pack Meeting. Wednesday Joshua has his Sneak Peak at Pre-K anytime between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Then on Thursday Jacob and Layne have their Sneak Peak at 3:30 p.m. Layne is hoping that Divya is in her class and Jacob is hoping that Connor is in his class. I am excited about Jacob and Layne spending time with Granma and Pap Jack this year instead of doing Prime Time. It will allow them to possibly take music lessons (which will be $50/month per child) and hopefully take swimming lessons at the YMCA ($300 for 3 kids for 4 weeks). I know I am "preaching to the choir" but kids are expensive.
So - lots of laundry, the house is a mess, kids are getting anxious about school - hmmmm Life at its Best.
When we were at the beach last week, "the big kids" spent a good bit of time digging in the sand. Layne did a lot work on it as she spent the first few days afraid of the crabs in the water. there was one memorable time where Joshua was being a pest. He started throwing sand back in the hole while Layne was still working. This went on for a few minutes. Layne tried to get Joshua to stop, he got more upset. Finally, I had it - and yelled across the beach "Joshua quit playing in your sister's hole!".
My sister laughed a little too loud a little too long - but I guess that is what sisters are for.
Here they are digging and doing their thing:
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