Here is Layne's:
And here is Jacob's:
I know it looks like Jacob did not do as much as Layne. But he chose a difficult scene from his book to portray. He read The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. His scene is where Aslan has been killed and is chained to the stone tablet and Lucy and Susan are walking away crying as they believe he is dead. It is a bleak scene and therefore not a lot of detail to provide. Although - Lucy has a real leather bow and arrow slung over her shoulder and they both have tears. But Layne's looks awesome and she had a plan and knew exactly how she wanted it to look and I think she was successful.
Made it to church this morning. Kind of glad I did as I was told by our minister that "the body is weakened" when you do not attend church. Joshua had a great time with Miss Pavan and Mr. Robert.
Came home after church and started right in on the Dioramas. Just finally completed them with 30 minutes to spare before Jacob had to go sell Boy Scout Popcorn. I need to get a picture of him in his new uniform. All the Boy Scout stuff is new. I don't even know what kind of popcorn they sell. Maybe Matthew will get us some (but probably not - probably wouldn't even think about it - LOL). Jacob and Matthew will be at the Douglas Road Kroger from 4:30 to 6:00 selling popcorn. Matthew went over the sales pitch with Jacob - #1 "Hello, would you like to buy some popcorn?" and if they say NO he says "Would you like to make a donation to the Boy Scouts of America?" and then if they say NO he says "Thank you very much".
Joshua is tired and cranky - but it took 2 parents to help with 2 separate Dioramas - so he would not go by himself and lay down for a nap. Hopefully we can get to bed soon. He has been playing with his baby doll again. Today he had Susan's former ID Badge around his neck as that stated (according to Joshua) that he was "the official babysitter". Hope he can earn some money soon.
Still hot in Atlanta - over 90 degrees and sunny again today. I am looking forward to some 80 degree temps soon - hopefully later this week.
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