Jacob had his first Den Meeting this past Sunday. He is even more an official Webelo. You can see his new hat, belt and scarf in the picture above. The card on the right is his completion of 1 year of Cub Scouts.
The important part to note is the Belt Loops in the picture. He has proudly obtained a Belt Loop or 1) Computers 2) Video Games 3) and Art. One of the other 2 is for Kickball and Writing. At least he gets to do the things he is already interested in, right?
He is in year 2 of the "I don't want to go to Cub Scouts" and then after he has been "that was a lot of fun". It took 2 years for Layne in Girl Scouts - he is right on track in my opinion.
Jacob is having a great year so far. Only one day of TAG (Talented and Gifted) but that afternoon he was the most talkative about school since Kindergarten. He even was responsible with making sure over the weekend that he had all of the items he needed ready for today for TAG.
So thankful for Ms. Alvarez last year helping Jacob find Fun in School again.
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