Well, I guess it's my turn to update the blog, not sure what to write about...just another day on our trip around the sun. Busy at work. Layne had soccer practice today, there ya go, I'll talk about Layne and soccer...
She is growing more confident in herself each time she gets out on the field. They have a really good coach this year, he seems to know his stuff. He's got them doing drills Layne's never done before and she was really aware that she didn't know how to do them. We worked on them this weekend in the yard, and now that she's got 'em down, they didn't do the drills at practice, oh well. Layne scored a goal in a scrimmage and used her left foot to knock a hard shot into the goal (by golly she actually listened to me).
We've got Jacob's cub scout meeting tomorrow night. He still says he is bored all the time and isn't having fun, but does seem to be enjoying it. We had a kickball game two weekends ago. Jacob had a great time, all the players were of similar caliber and it made for a good even game.
Joshua is doing great with the potty training. We still have some accidents, but it's when he can't get his pants down in time, or doesn't pull them down far enough, or just flat out misses. This will be his second night without a pullup and he's been doing awesome, now if he'd just go to sleep when he's supposed to.
Ah yes, Jacob's long lost Nintendo DS has been found. It's probably been about 9 months, a year, something like that. I found it in the giraffe chair in the playroom at Gramma's house. Jacob has gotten back into Pokemon the past couple of weeks and this has only spurred him on. We went to GameStop video store and downloaded some free characters that he just had to have. Now we need to find his DSi, at least we're down to one missing system.
Looks like I had some stuff to write about after all...
1 year ago